
Our team leads the way in advanced mammography and breast imaging in Los Angeles. We offer a wide range of state-of-the-art screening and diagnostic tools.



Since we opened the first mammography center in Los Angeles, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 has been at the forefront of women’s health and breast imaging services. We were the first center to become accredited by the Mammography Accreditation Program and, 最近, 这是皇冠hga025第一家100%数字化的工厂.


多专科、团队治疗: 我们提供专家团队的全人护理. 我们的团队包括乳房 放射科医生乳房外科医生; 放射肿瘤学家, 病理学家, 基因专家、执业护士及注册护士. 我们量身定制筛选, prevention and risk-reduction strategies to your needs to deliver the best possible outcome.

容易获得护理: We offer women’s imaging and breast imaging services in seven locations, 所以你在家附近就能很容易地得到护理. Each of our facilities provides a broad spectrum of state-of-the-art tools, 确保最高质量的筛选, 诊断与治疗.

创新的历史: Our specialists are recognized leaders in breast imaging. Not only were we the first center in Los Angeles to offer breast ultrasound, but we were also among the first in the region offering 3D mammography technology. 今天, 我们是一个完全数字化的乳房x光检查机构, 在轻松中提供高品质的护理, 富有同情心的环境.


The primary goal of breast imaging is to detect breast cancer in its early stages, 当它更容易治疗的时候. Breast imaging can also detect noncancerous (benign) conditions, such as fluid-filled growths (cysts) or fibrocystic breasts.

Screening mammography is one of the most important tools for breast cancer detection. Since screening mammograms became widespread in the mid-1980s, the national breast cancer mortality rate has declined by 40%. The American College of 放射学 recommends a few guidelines for screening mammograms:

40岁以上女性 with an average risk of breast cancer should have a screening mammogram each year.

40岁以下女性 with a high risk of breast cancer may start annual screening mammograms, 可能还有每年一次的核磁共振, 在医生的指导下. Factors that increase your risk of breast cancer include:  

  • 有乳腺癌家族史
  • Having dense breasts or a personal history of breast cancer
  • 年轻时有胸部放射史
  • BRCA1或BRCA2基因的突变
  • Starting menstrual periods younger than 12 or starting menopause after 55


Our specialists offer a wide range of tests and tools to screen for and accurately diagnose breast cancer.



3D乳房x光片(乳房断层合成): 乳房x光检查是低剂量的乳房x光检查. A technician takes X-rays from several views and a computer compiles those images into a 3D picture that allows us to see breast tissue clearly.

筛查性乳房x光检查: We perform screening mammograms for patients who have no signs of breast cancer. 这些检查包括乳房的两个视图. Screening mammograms are one of the best tools we have for finding cancer in early stages.

诊断性乳房x光检查: If a patient has symptoms that could point to breast cancer, we do a diagnostic mammogram. It involves several views of the breast and focuses on particular areas of concern. We can use these tests to diagnose the cause of breast changes, 比如一个不寻常的肿块, 疼痛或乳头溢液.

乳房超声检查: Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to generate breast tissue images. We may use ultrasound in addition to a mammogram to get a closer look at breast changes. 例如, an ultrasound can help us differentiate between a fluid-filled cyst, 哪个不太可能是癌症, 一个固体质量, 哪些可能需要进一步测试. Ultrasounds are also often useful for women with dense breast tissue, 对他们来说,乳房x光检查可能不那么可靠.  

乳房核磁共振成像: We often use MRIs for women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. 这些测试可以帮助测量质量的大小, look for other tumors or check for tumors in the opposite breast. MRIs use magnets and radio waves to produce images of the breasts in all directions: top to bottom, 从左到右,从前到后. Some women with a high risk for breast cancer may benefit from screening MRIs along with yearly mammograms.


When breast imaging detects a lump or other irregularity in breast tissue, 这并不一定意味着你得了乳腺癌. 我们进行活组织检查以检查乳腺组织是否有癌症.

We also use several techniques to evaluate breast tissue, including:

外科手术活检: You receive local anesthesia to numb your breast along with intravenous (IV) sedation to help you relax. Then, a surgeon makes incisions to remove a small portion of breast tissue or the entire tumor. They usually close the incision with stitches and place a sterile dressing over the incision site.

MRI或超声引导下的乳腺活检; Your provider places a hollow biopsy needle into the breast, then uses MRI or ultrasound images to confirm that they have the needle in the correct location. 他们通过活检针获得组织样本, 不需要在乳房上做切口.

立体定向乳腺活检: Providers use mammography to pinpoint the location of the lump or breast change. Then, they use a biopsy needle to obtain a small tissue sample.

术前导线定位: 使用超声波或乳房x光检查指导, a radiologist places a small wire in the exact location of the abnormal tissue. This wire serves as a “roadmap” for the surgeon to find and remove cancer. It is inserted the day of surgery and removed at the end of the procedure.


我们的乳房成像团队 uses state-of-the-art, research-driven tools to screen for and diagnose breast cancer. We build on a long history of innovation to bring patients the most advanced technology to detect breast cancer.


呼叫 310-301-6800 to request an appointment with a breast imaging specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


We offer the full breadth of services to screen for and diagnose breast cancer. 要了解更多关于乳房成像服务,请致电 310-301-6800.